Season: Spring Season
Competitive Division: April 8 - June 10
AGES: 16+
FEE: $50/Member // $65/Non-Member // $10 Sub Fee
*Free Agent Registrations - Contact Youth Programs Director
Our Adult Volleyball League is perfect for adults looking to stay in shape and play the game they love!
Games are played on Tuesday nights. The schedule will be posted on the website.
Competitive Division: Tuesday nights starting at 7:30P
Volleyball leagues are a minimum of 9 regular season games.
Amount of weeks will be determined by the teams
Teams will most likely play doubleheaders each night.
This is a ‘self-ref’ league and done on the honor system.
6 players per side (4 are required to avoid a forfeit)
There must be a minimum of 2 females on each team.
All co-ed games are played at the Men’s height.
Teams may provide their own ball. If a ball cannot be agreed on, teams will use the Rouse Center’s ball.
All player fees must be paid in full prior to playing the first game. No exceptions.
There is no maximum number of players per roster.
Players must be 16 years old or over.
League Policies: We have improved the quality and value of our programs to provide our customers with the best experience possible. Below are some of our new policies.
Individual Registration: Each player is required to register for the league individually; they can register and assign themselves to a specific team. This will ensure the facility's quality control, competitive balance, and liability coverage.
Free Agent Registration: If you are interested in joining as a free agent, please email Kylie at youthprograms@rousecenter.com
Check-In: Prior to the start of each league game, players will be required to check in with the field marshal. Players who are not rostered will have to register or pay the substitution fee at the front desk. This ensures the facility's quality control, competitive balance, and liability coverage.
Behavior: Any disrespectful, disruptive or dangerous behavior will not be tolerated, and a player, team, coach, or fan may be removed from the center per the discretion of the officials, MOD, or Sports Director. All incidents will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Substitution/Drop-In Policy: A substitute is allowed for any regular season league game. This is a great chance to bring out friends who would like to try out the league but do not want to pay the full registration fee or players who are only in town for a night or two. The fee is $10 per game. A substitute may play on any team but may not play on two different teams in the same league on the same night. No substitutes will be allowed during post-season play.
If a player fails to pay either the full registration or sub fee, the Sports Director has the right to forfeit that team’s game.
Champions: Top team will receive championship shirts!
When registering online, if you are not a member and would like to become one, you must purchase your membership before registering for the league. Once your membership has been purchased, you may register for the league and receive discounted pricing.
Refunds will ONLY be issued in the event of a program cancellation.