Lil’ Ballers is a child development program that focuses on teaching the fundamentals of basketball to inexperienced players ages 5-12 years old. The program’s curriculum is designed to teach your child the necessary skills, dedication, teamwork, and passion required to become a Lil’ Baller on and off the court. Our coaches are trained to instill confidence in the players by creating a fun and challenging atmosphere that will prepare them for league play.

The program is divided into three different age groups, the Dribblers, 5-6 years old; the Dunkers, 7-8 years old; and the Three-Pointers, 9-12 years old. Each age group has its unique curriculum that builds upon itself weekly to achieve its true Baller potential.

Class Details:

  • Classes are once per week and are 50 minutes long

  • Times and classes are subject to change

  • Classes run for a 9-week session

  • Spaces are limited – register at the front desk or online

  • Open enrollment – join at any time & classes are always prorated

  • Fees

    • Member: $135 per player

    • Non Member: $162 per player

See below for additional class policies.

SPRING season


March 25 - May 20, 2025

Registration Opens March 1

Program Policies

Make-up Classes:

  • Make-ups are done on a space-available basis.

  • Make-ups do not carry over into the next session.


  • No spaces in any class are guaranteed without payment.

  • We require full payment at the time of registration

  • Special circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis

  • Paying per week is not allowed.

  • All registrations are on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  • Classes are always prorated.


  • Shirts are included with registration for new participants.


  • No refunds will be given. Rouse Center credit may be issued if a refund is warranted and is to be used within 90 days from the issue date.

  • Dangerous, disruptive, or disrespectful behaviors will be dealt with case-by-case and could result in the loss of privilege to participate. No refunds or credits will be issued if your child is unable to participate due to negative behaviors.


Kylie Revely

Youth Programs Director

(540) 318-6332